Employee handbook with a pen by its side

Crafting Employment Policies That Best Fit Your Business

There are many factors that should be considered when taking an employment action. Hiring, firing, or disciplining an employee is a serious matter and should be handled with careful consideration of your business’s policies and the employee’s role, as well as local, state, and federal employment laws.

Solomon Law Firm, PLLC assists in advising companies regarding their hiring and firing of employees, and their disciplinary procedures, to ensure that these actions are taken in a legal and ethical manner. Schedule a consultation through our contact form or via phone at (866) 833-3529.

By having our attorneys look over employment actions, we can ensure that the action is not construed in a way that could be seen as discriminatory or relating to a hostile work environment. These employment actions must be in line with employment laws such as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, among other laws that make it illegal to base hiring, firing, or other employment actions on an individual’s protected class.

In addition, our DC employee hiring, firing, and discipline lawyers will evaluate how your in-place policies relate to your business’s overall mission. Employment actions are a necessary component of running a company, and legal compliance is an essential element of creating a successful employment action policy. With Solomon Law Firm, PLLC, you won’t have to risk your organization’s goals to craft legally sound policies.

Solomon Law Firm, PLLC Works for You

The attorneys at Solomon Law Firm, PLLC can assist in editing or creating policies for the human resource departments of our clients — We will review materials to ensure they are in line with the law and will benefit the company as a whole.

Contact us online to speak with our employee hiring, firing, and discipline in Washington, DC | New York, NY | Albany, NY