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By Ariel E. Solomon, Esq.
Founder & Managing Attorney

Ariel E. Solomon, Esq, published a Law Review Article on changes in the law concerning the Reemployment Rights of Veterans, pursuant to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994( USERRA). Her article discusses Erickson v. United States Postal Service, 571 F.3d 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2009), the US Court of Appeals decision which held that the US Merit Systems Protection Board erred when it determined a government agency could terminate the employment of a service member for excessive absences related to his military service.

A Case Study of 38 USC Sections 4311 and 4312: Erickson v. USPS

About the Author
Ariel E. Solomon is an American Lawyer with a practice focus on employment law, whistleblower retaliation, discrimination, congressional investigations, and government accountability.